Shadow of Shaddai

Sheree Wright

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Shadow of Shaddai was birthed out of an assignment to write a warfare worship song. Our writing group went to Psalm 91 and wrote a banger that has been our anthem against fear and anxiety ever since. My youngest son asked to hear it every night for over a year to help him sleep and overcome fear of the dark (even though it’s an upbeat song that

Shadow of Shaddai was birthed out of an assignment to write a warfare worship song. Our writing group went to Psalm 91 and wrote a banger that has been our anthem against fear and anxiety ever since. My youngest son asked to hear it every night for over a year to help him sleep and overcome fear of the dark (even though it’s an upbeat song that SLAPS). It's not exactly a lullaby, but it could be your evening (or anytime) dance party to punch fear in the face.

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