
Sheree Wright, Katie Rios

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’Tethered’ was the first co-write at my first writing retreat in Nashville in 2021. Katie Rios and I were paired with Meredith Andrews, and we wrote a song inspired by a conversation about how life with God is like flying a kite. We are rooted in God's Word like the string is tethered to the ground, but we soar on the wind of the Spirit. The whole

’Tethered’ was the first co-write at my first writing retreat in Nashville in 2021. Katie Rios and I were paired with Meredith Andrews, and we wrote a song inspired by a conversation about how life with God is like flying a kite. We are rooted in God's Word like the string is tethered to the ground, but we soar on the wind of the Spirit. The whole song is wrapped up in this line from the chorus: “When I’m bound to You, I’m free.” The lo-fi beat brings a meditative stability to the hopeful lyric.

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