
Sheree Wright, Kelsie Newman

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In 1903 Evan Roberts prayed “Bend Me” when he had an encounter with the Holy Spirit. "Flight" is inspired by that simple prayer that led to the Welsh revival, a prayer of surrender to the terrifying and exhilarating things God calls us to — and how it feels like being an arrow shot at a target by an Archer whose aim is true. It is about the

In 1903 Evan Roberts prayed “Bend Me” when he had an encounter with the Holy Spirit. "Flight" is inspired by that simple prayer that led to the Welsh revival, a prayer of surrender to the terrifying and exhilarating things God calls us to — and how it feels like being an arrow shot at a target by an Archer whose aim is true. It is about the tension of trusting God, and the mix of anxiety and excitement when He sends you soaring.

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